Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Fillers

Yeah, thats exactly what this blog is about - Fillers. Tidbits from here and there that are too insignificant to engage my "too easily distracted these days" mind long enough to form a post on their own. I had been thinking that the blog can wait for my yoga remedies and exotic medicines to have the desired effect on my concentration. But of late, I have come to know that there are quite a few pretty damsels eagerly awaiting the next letter to litter these pages. And hell, for a bachelor thats a much more effective remedy than yoga I tell you.

So what is this problem with us? By us, I mean we lost souls in the 28-35 odd age bracket with shifting hair lines and bellies, one receding and the other advancing, who work longer, sleep lesser and eternally dream of that 'one day'. We have other characteristics too you know - we read more but understand less, watch more but see less, hear more but listen less, talk more (yeah, there is nothing less about this one), spend more but buy less... damn, this is getting too serious for my liking. Well you know the kind, the typical Raghav and Swapna from my previous blog. So, to repeat, what is the problem with us?

Actually, you may be wondering what problem I am talking about, because we do tend to have a lot. But I think the biggest one of them all is our illusion that we still look 21.And worse, we dress like we are still 21. Low waist jeans were good during college when we were skinny, mainly cause we didn't have the money to buy all that junk food I guess. And canvas shoes are meant for school kids, its a freaking uniform accessory. We uncles would look funny in one, not to mention its bad for our arthritic knees (by the way mine are in blue). Oh, and of course, those school bags that we carry to office. We do claim they are laptop bags and are really comfortable to carry around. Hey, I'm comfortable in a lungi, but that doesn't mean... and if it looks like a school bag, it is a school bag boss. But you know what, it doesn't matter, for probably 10 years down the line we will laugh over these too, like we do now over our old fascinations for baggy jeans, backstreet boys and Prabhu Deva's hair style.

Talking about dress, what a convenient contraption the sari is, right? It can cure obesity in the blink of an eye. Little wonder the entire women population of Tamil Nadu wear one even at home. Don't misunderstand me, I really respect them. And more so the "6-feet-in-any-direction" personal space they carry around. I am only miffed that we men don't have any such devices to disguise our frames in. It really is embarrassing you know, when a lady you want to talk to is prodded by your tummy before your head enters the audible zone. So please exercise folks, please do. People our age are dropping like dead flies these days, due to health problems. But again, this is not an advise portal. I'm not running an ashram you know, although by what I see on TV and youtube, it definitely is a very pleasurable profession.

It is now 2 am and a good time to retire. So until the next blue moon, I guess. Till then, pretty damsels, keep peeking in. Uncle needs your motivation.


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Nishant said...

eda .. it's noteworthy that you said 28-35 and not 30-35

Sindhu. Nayar said...

Y don't you write something often, its so annoying to see nothing everytime I have peep into ur blog...Waiting for the next blue moon honey!!!

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Shruti said...

One post in one year! Terrible!!
How much motivation do you want, btw?
I'm telling you, that ashram business is gonna be very lucrative, if you plan to start one. :P
Doling out advice is easy but the question is, are you exercising? 'Coz I'm sure there may be many pretty damsels out there who'd definitely not want you falling like a dead fly! Infact just think about all the attention you'll get, once you actually start looking like a 'stud'..! ;P